Barnsley Civic Trust 2024 AGM

The Barnsley Civic Trust AGM took place at 6.00pm on Thursday 10th October in the Council Chamber at Barnsley Town Hall before the talk by Tegwen Roberts on the ‘Fascinating Stories of Eldon Street, unearthed in the Eldon Street High Street Heritage Action Zone.

Allen Parks gave a summary of the activities of Barnsley Civic Trust over the last year and publicised the talks planned for the next year. Bill Gaunt told members of the financial position which had been helped by the increase in members.

The executive committee was elected: Allen Parks, Edana Guest, Ian Harley,
Janet Richardson, Linda Burgess, Melvin Lunn, Michael Hardy, Peter Roberts, Ronnie Steele and Susan Browne.  Allen has agreed to continue as secretary and Linda has agreed to be chair for the next year. Bill Gaunt has stepped down as treasurer and from the executive committee; he was thanked for all he has done for the society. 

The association with the Barnsley Archives and Local Studies team was proving very successful.  

Barnsley Civic Trust 2023 agm

Barnsley Civic Trust’s 2023 AGM is on Thursday 8th June, at 7.00pm at the Masonic Hall in Cockerham Lane, Barnsley S75 1AT.

A talk on 50 Buildings of Barnsley, by Keiron Dunn, follows. Keiron is a former planner in Barnsley and intends to share his views on Barnsley’s buildings and the changes that have taken place over the years. Come along, join the discussion and give your views!

If you love Barnsley, how it looks, its heritage and its buildings, then please attend and try to encourage others who might share these views.

2022 annual general meeting

Barnsley Civic Trust held a short AGM on Thursday 13 October before an interesting and stimulating presentation by Barnsley Archives’ Paul Stebbing.

A Committee was elected with Allen Parks (secretary), Bill Gaunt, John Love (chair), Linda Burgess, Peter Roberts, Phyllis Barnes (treasurer) and Rebecca Battye. If other members would like to join the committee, please let us know.

Some minor changes were made to update the constitution to make the running of the organisation more straightforward. These included the numbers on the committee and the quorums required for the committee and general meetings.

John Love outlined some of BCT’s activities in the last year as well as future ones planned. These include blue plaques, working on a schools project with Eldon Street Heritage Action Zone, commenting on the design of proposed development, supporting the Local Heritage Listing project, and a programme of talks. A new facebook page had been launched: Beautiful Barnsley by Civic Trust for anyone to post images to celebrate Barnsley at its best.

Barnsley Civic Trust meeting again

We are pleased to be able to let you know that Barnsley Civic Trust AGM will be held at 7.00pm on Thursday 7th October at the Masonic Hall in Cockerham Lane off Huddersfield Road.

As you know we were unable to hold an AGM in 2020 because of the Covid situation and business was suspended during that period. We now intend to get Barnsley Civic Trust up and running again.

Barnsley Civic Trust’s priority is doing what it can to bring the town back to being a lively, prosperous and attractive place for the whole community.

The main part of the annual general meeting will be a presentation by Tegwen Roberts on the Eldon Street Heritage Action Zone project. This is intended to have a major impact on Eldon Street and its surroundings including The Civic.

Barnsley Civic Trust in 2021

Twelve months ago, in March 2020, just before the first lockdown, Barnsley Civic Trust held a well-attended event on The Hidden Art of Barnsley, one of a programme of events in 2019 and the beginning of 2020.

Since that time BCT has not been able to operate; there have been no meetings although posts have continued on Facebook and Twitter, and the website has been revamped

As we near a return to a new normality, it is clear that Barnsley has suffered tremendously and there has never been such a need for people to actively care about the recovery of the centre – its shops, leisure facilities, businesses, public spaces, heritage and the environment.

Barnsley Civic Trust aims to make this its priority by undertaking activities to do what it can to bring the town back to being a lively, prosperous and attractive place for the whole community.

Barnsley Civic Trust is a small group but one which can exert influence to engender a pride in our town and is a primary voice on civic issues. To do this it needs the support of its membership and supporters.

If you are a recent member please reply to the email you have been sent asking you to confirm your intention to continue supporting Barnsley Civic Trust

If you might be interested in supporting Barnsley Civic Trust and perhaps becoming a member, please get in touch for further information.

Barnsley Civic Trust annual general meeting

A short annual general meeting will take place at 7pm on Tuesday 11 June 2019. It will last about half an hour. Nominations are welcome to join the executive committee – please contact the secretary for a form. Refreshments will be available from 6.30pm. 

The main part of the evening will be an illustrated talk by Stuart Currie of the Tasker Trust on the historic streets of the town, the significant buildings sadly lost in the changes which have taken place over  the last 100 years and the buildings which we really should ensure do not disappear in the future. An important role for Barnsley Civic Trust. 

Masonic Hall, Cockerham Lane off Huddersfield Road (just north of Barnsley Town Centre)

Barnsley Civic Trust

Since its inception in March 2007, Barnsley Civic Trust has prided itself in keeping abreast of local issues, especially those which concern our urban environment.

We have organised open meetings, debates and discussions and regularly comment on planning applications and respond to consultations on proposed policies and changes.

We have organised an annual shop award scheme, a blue plaque scheme, and town trails.

There is also a social dimension to the Barnsley Civic Trust with a dining out group, fundraising and awareness raising events, talks and guided walks.

The success of Barnsley Civic Trust depends on the support of its members and volunteers.

Barnsley Civic Trust is funded by its own individual and business members. We also apply for funding for particular projects. We are particularly grateful to our corporate members and sponsors for their support of projects.

We are always keen to welcome both new individual and corporate members as well as business sponsors who help support, sustain and develop our activities. If you do not want to become a member at this time but would like to keep in touch, please follow us on twitter and on facebook. And check out the pages of this our website.