Barnsley Civic Trust held a short AGM on Thursday 13 October before an interesting and stimulating presentation by Barnsley Archives’ Paul Stebbing.
A Committee was elected with Allen Parks (secretary), Bill Gaunt, John Love (chair), Linda Burgess, Peter Roberts, Phyllis Barnes (treasurer) and Rebecca Battye. If other members would like to join the committee, please let us know.
Some minor changes were made to update the constitution to make the running of the organisation more straightforward. These included the numbers on the committee and the quorums required for the committee and general meetings.
John Love outlined some of BCT’s activities in the last year as well as future ones planned. These include blue plaques, working on a schools project with Eldon Street Heritage Action Zone, commenting on the design of proposed development, supporting the Local Heritage Listing project, and a programme of talks. A new facebook page had been launched: Beautiful Barnsley by Civic Trust for anyone to post images to celebrate Barnsley at its best.