Twelve months ago, in March 2020, just before the first lockdown, Barnsley Civic Trust held a well-attended event on The Hidden Art of Barnsley, one of a programme of events in 2019 and the beginning of 2020.
Since that time BCT has not been able to operate; there have been no meetings although posts have continued on Facebook and Twitter, and the website has been revamped
As we near a return to a new normality, it is clear that Barnsley has suffered tremendously and there has never been such a need for people to actively care about the recovery of the centre – its shops, leisure facilities, businesses, public spaces, heritage and the environment.
Barnsley Civic Trust aims to make this its priority by undertaking activities to do what it can to bring the town back to being a lively, prosperous and attractive place for the whole community.
Barnsley Civic Trust is a small group but one which can exert influence to engender a pride in our town and is a primary voice on civic issues. To do this it needs the support of its membership and supporters.
If you are a recent member please reply to the email you have been sent asking you to confirm your intention to continue supporting Barnsley Civic Trust
If you might be interested in supporting Barnsley Civic Trust and perhaps becoming a member, please get in touch for further information.