This illustrated talk on the historic streets of the town and their significant buildings will be given by Stuart Currie of the Tasker Trust.
It’s on the evening of Tuesday 11th June at the Masonic Hall, Cockerham Lane off Huddersfield Road (just north of Barnsley Town Centre).
Stuart will look at the historic streets of the town and will highlight significant buildings sadly lost in the changes which have taken place over about the last 100 years.
He will also look at the buildings which we really should ensure do not disappear in the future. An important role for Barnsley Civic Trust.
The talk will be enriched with images from the Tasker collection of historic photographs.
The meeting will commence at 7.00pm but refreshments will be available from 6.30pm.
At the beginning of the evening a short annual general meeting will take place with the talk from Stuart Currie following.
We hope you will be able to come along to what promises to be an informative evening. Everyone is welcome, members and non-members alike.