The Hidden Art of Barnsley

During a period extending over the late 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, a series of wonderful artists emerged in Barnsley.

Barnsley Art on Your Doorstep, a project running from 2012-2014, explored and showcased this rich and very often forgotten aspect of Barnsley’s heritage.

The results: a book  – available for reference in Barnsley Library, a website, and an exhibition at the Cooper Gallery.

Barnsley Civic Trust is delighted to host an illustrated talk and presentation on ‘The Hidden Art of Barnsley: Monday 2nd March at 7.00pm.
The Lightbox – Barnsley’s Central Library.

Art on Your Doorstep team members – Sally Hayles, Hugh Polehampton, Maureen Wilkinson and Fred Thompson – will provide a visual tour of the 2014 exhibition and discuss the publication and its research.

A unique event – not to be missed. Open to all.

One thought on “The Hidden Art of Barnsley”

  1. Hello
    It is possible that The Hidden art of Barnsley is no longer functioning , however I send this in hope.
    I have in my possession a painting that I believe to be by Ernest Moore .Does it have any interest to the group?
    Philip Trevethick

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