‘The Lancasters, a Barnsley Dynasty’: Thursday 23 January

James Steverson, Barnsley Archives’ Project Archivist, gave an illustrated talk ‘Lancaster and Sons: A Barnsley Dynasty‘, was given by James Stevenson. Full of interesting information, it was much appreciated by those who attended.

This is the fascinating story of one of Barnsley’s most interesting and influential families, the Lancasters, who rose to become prominent auctioneers, valuers and estate agents for more than four generations.

This talk was first hosted by the Friends of Barnsley Archives in September but was rerun as an evening event due to popular demand. Ans some people came to hear it a second time!

Held in association with Barnsley Archives and Local Studies, here’s an image taken by Paul Stebbing of the event.

‘Women artists in Barnsley’: Thursday 20th February

The history of ‘Women artists in Barnsley, their inspiration and influences, an illustrated talk by Hugh Polehampton and colleagues from Barnsley ‘Art on Your Doorstep’.

Thursday 20th February at 6.30pm in the Council Chamber at Barnsley Town Hall. All welcome.

Joseph Locke, his life and legacy: Monday 17th March, 2025

Statue of Joseph Locke in Locke Park. St Edwards in background

An illustrated talk on the life and legacy of Joseph Locke is being given by Peter Roberts on Monday 17 March at Barnsley Town Hall, starting at 6.30pm. All welcome.

Who was Joseph Locke?

What did he do in his life?

What were his achievements?

Where can we see his impact on the world today?

Joseph Locke was one of the three Victorian pioneers of civil and railway engineering, alongside Robert Stephenson and Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Brought up in Barnsley, his legacy includes railways still used across Britain and Europe, and in Barnsley: Locke Park.

This event is the 2025 Bramah Lecture, sponsored by Barnsley Council, jointly organised by South Yorkshire Industrial History Society and Barnsley Civic Trust . We thank Barnsley Archives and Local Studies for their support. Everyone is welcome. There is no charge but donations are welcome.

Five new blue plaques in Barnsley Town Centre

Five new blue plaques have been installed in Barnsley Town Centre. Barnsley Civic Trust has been working with the Eldon Street High Street Heritage Action Zone —which has funded the plaques— to tell some of the stories of Eldon Street and its surroundings.

These include commemorating the work of the man who redesigned the town centre in the 19th century, John Whitworth, and celebrating the woman who brought the first department store specifically for women to the town, Ann Porter.

Here are Barnsley Mayor John Clark, the Mayoress, and the Young Mayor, together with Linda Burgess, Chair of Barnsley Civic Trust, and Jeff Lunn, the 2024 President of Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union, at the first plaque unveiling.

This first blue plaque commemorates Thomas Lister, Quaker, Poet and Naturalist, who was Barnsley Postmaster on this site from 1839 to 1870. As well as being President of Barnsley Naturalist and Scientific Society for 20 years, he was a prominent member of the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union which had their annual general meeting in Barnsley on the day of the unveiling. Thomas Lister attended the first YNU AGM held in Barnsley in 1884, 140 years ago!

More information will follow on the other four plaques

Presentation by Ronnie Steele

‘Build It For Barry’, ‘A Blue Plaque For Brian Glover’ and ‘Norman Rimmington – Forever One Of Our Own’.

Barnsley Civic Trust is delighted to present a talk by local author, Ronnie Steele: Dramatic tales of Barry Hines, Brian Glover, and Norman Rimmington —and growing up in the 1960s! The talk will be held in the Council Chamber at Barnsley Town Hall, commencing at 6.30pm, on Thursday 25th January 2024.

Encouraged by author, Milly Johnson, and sculptor, Graham Ibbeson, Ronnie wrote stories about his heroes and published three highly acclaimed books containing 70 tales about growing up in Barnsley.

28 years a teacher in Barnsley, Ronnie seized the opportunity of honouring his favourite teachers, Barry Hines, author of Kes, and actor, Brian Glover who taught him at Longcar Central School during the 1960s, before they became famous. Norman Rimmington, of course, is a legendary figure of Barnsley FC.

Ronnie led projects for a statue in honour of Barry Hines, and a Barnsley Civic Trust Blue Plaque for Brian Glover.

We were pleased to see Barnsley Chronicle’s article about Ronnie’s talk …