Glass making in South Yorkshire

Joseph Bramah Annual Memorial Lecture

‘Glass Making in South Yorkshire – its History and Technology’ by Hugh Willmott.

Dr Hugh Willmott is a Senior Lecturer in Archaeology at Sheffield University and is an inspirational speaker.

The talk is open to all and there is no charge.
It will be held at 7.00pm on Monday 25th March, 2019, at the Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.

South Yorkshire Industrial Heritage Society is presenting the Joseph Bramah memorial lecture, sponsored by Barnsley Council, to commemorate the great engineer. It is jointly promoted by Barnsley Civic Trust.

James Hudson Taylor talk

Great talk on Tuesday 26 February by Fred Thompson and Philip Nuthall on the James Hudson Taylor trail in Barnsley and on Salem Church. We discusssed raising awareness of James Hudson Taylor and attracting more people to Barnsley to visit Salem Church and follow the trail.

Good to know that the two Barnsley Civic Trust blue plaques started the trail in 2012; now augmented by the red plaques of the trail

JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR TALK – 7pm on Tuesday 26 February

James Hudson Taylor – a lad from Barnsley who in the 19th century became a missionary, went to China, and founded one of the largest movements in the world.

Philip Nuttall and Fred Thompson from Barnsley’s James Hudson Taylor Group are giving an illustrated talk on James Hudson Taylor and the trail that marks 24 sites of his early life in Barnsley.

The talk is illustrated by photographs from the early 1900s, by permission of the Tasker Trust, when much of Barnsley remained as it did in James Hudson Taylor’s time.

The presentation also includes information on Salem Wesleyan Reform Church, built in 1825 and a ‘home church’ of the Hudson Taylor family.

The Barnsley Civic Trust talk takes place on Tuesday 26th February at 7.00 pm at the Masonic Hall, Cockerham Lane, Barnsley S75 1AT. All welcome.

Talk on getting good design in our town

Tom Lonsdale gave an interesting and informative talk on Design in Regeneration and the work of the  Barnsley Design Panel; members of Barnsley Civic Trust were joined by others interested in the topic at a recent meeting.  Tom, the chair of the Design Panel, covered a wide range of aspects of design and some of the major schemes in the town centre.

This talk is one of a series of talks promoted by Barnsley Civic Trust


Talk on getting good design in our town – Tues 27 November

The Barnsley Civic Trust Talk on Tuesday 27th November will tell us about the work of the independent Design Review Panel set up in Barnsley. It is made up of highly regarded designers, architects, landscape architects and artists and is completely independent of the Council.

Its role is to review the design of schemes referred to it by the Council and to give expert advice as to how they can improved. It has advised on all the major schemes in the town centre.

The presentation promises to be very enlightening and will be given by Tom Lonsdale who chairs the Barnsley Panel and who is a nationally esteemed designer and landscape architect.

Tuesday 27th November, 7.00pm
Masonic Hall, Cockerham Lane (just off Huddersfield Road).

All welcome

Design of the Jumble lane railway crossing pedestrian bridge

A presentation on the design of the proposed new £5 million pedestrian bridge at the Jumble Lane railway crossing is taking place at a public meeting in September.


All are welcome on Monday 24th September at 7.00pm.
Hope House Church Hall, Blucher Street, Barnsley Town Centre,
Refreshments from 6.30pm.

The presentation will be given by Sarah McHale of Barnsley council. Sarah will describe how the design of the new bridge has developed. The bridge is part of the Barnsley Town Centre redevelopment and Sarah will inform us how the design developed following consultation and professional design review.

This is an open meeting open to everyone interested in this topic.