Linen industry weavers’ cottages. Thanks to the Tasker Trust for the image.
In the period either side of 1800, Barnsley was the leading linen producer in England. This is the fascinating story of the linen industry in Barnsley and will cover the physical and cultural heritage of that bygone prosperity.
The 2024 Bramah Lecture is on Monday 8th April in the Learning Lab at Barnsley Town Hall, starting at 6.30pm. Use Barnsley Town Hall’s ‘Experience Barnsley’ entrance from Barnsley Pals Centenary Square. All welcome.
On this occasion there is a limit on numbers able to get in the room, so it’s essential to let us know if you intend to come. We can’t let people in beyond the capacity of the room!
Email allenparks22@hotmail.com to reserve a place.
The Bramah Lecture is an annual lecture commemorating the inventor, Joseph Bramah; it has taken place in Barnsley since 1999, sponsored by Barnsley Council. Barnsley Archives and Local Studies, Barnsley Civic Trust and South Yorkshire Industrial History Society are jointly organising this year’s lecture.